Yayasan Mendaki

Annual Report 2018

Overview: Awarded the project to conceptualise, design and print.

Role in Project: Art Direction, Layout & Design, Photography

Shift, Synthesize, Synergize.

Watercolour paintings are often linked with fluidity. It symbolises the cohesiveness and integration as different colours blend with one another, forming a beautifully complex palette. This imagery parallels MENDAKI’s efforts to establish collaborations with other key stakeholders, amidst a landscape of changes. 2018 was a year of new initiatives, such as the formation of M3, and the opening of more centres. It was also a year of deepening current efforts such as our messaging on School Ready. Like the bold strokes of a brush, MENDAKI’s initiatives seek to bring a strong impact to the canvas of the community. As the organisation advances through the years, it will seek ways to adjust, and maintain collaborative relations. It will find ways to Shift, Synthesize, Synergize.

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